Oxy-Gel 100ml medical disinfectant gel
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Product details
Oxy-Gel 100ml medical disinfectant gel
The medical disinfection gel Oxy-Gel is effective against bacteria, fungi and viruses (also MRSA).
To ensure hygienic hand disinfection according to EN 1500, rub 3ml of the Oxy-Gel into your dry hands for 30 seconds.
If you even need surgical hand disinfection according to EN 12791, take 4.5ml for 2 x 1 minute.
More Information
product id : 00-B1587PA80001
EAN : 3556340005085
TOPM_BESTELLNR : 3808949000 - FR
Manufacturer Data : GOJO Central Europe GmbH - Paul-Ehrlich-Str.18 - Rödermark 63322 - 06074 9196059
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